Consultation and real helping

you could recive into the Medical Center "The 1-st Doctor"

22, Str. Kievskaya, Moscow, Russia.

(tel: 8 (495) 921-3399.


(in Russian)


Individual defence against
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome - (SARS)



What is the "Northern" or "Southern" type of nasal aerodynamics?


Device for study nasal aerodynamics



In the "Northern" type, the main airstream gets into the all paranasal sinuses, where it is warmed from - 15 dg of exterior till + 25 dg into the throat.

And so, such persons extremely Seldom Catching a Cold in autumn-winter period.

"Nothern" type of aerodinamics

- soft (warm, moist) air 

"Southern" type of aerodinamics

- harsh (dry, cold) air 

For the "Southern" type is typical, when the main airflow enters the inferior meatus, where there is no of the paranasal sinuses and when, in exterior it is - 15 dg, into the throat the air comes - 5 or - 10dg.

That programmed leads you to frequently Catching a Cold

One or three times and more in every cold season.




At the "Southern" type of nasal aerodinamics:

The general aerflow passes through the lower nasal passageway and, as a result of the overloading of the nasal mucosa, it could be the cause of opened-mouth breathing, under effect of the unconditioned reflex,

and often leads to the SNORING during of the Night Sleeping.





New opportunities of surgical hearing improvement after Chronic Suppurative Middle Otitis.


The most precise, minimal invasive and safety surgical penetration into the antrum through the mastoid

Can be Warranted solely in the Frontal Plane of the skull, from Henle spine.


Methods of Antrodrainage and

"Slit-like" antro-atticotomy

Medical washing of the Antrum through drainage tube




New method of microsurgical hearing improvement

Without Disablement

"Hinge-like" Stapedioplasty





The "SILVER" (Silver-Dependent) people among us!

Who are they?


The first Problem of the Silver-Dependent people

is needed in Silver-Water









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