Northern Variant of nasal Aerodynamics (NVA)

When the main air flow comes through the nasal sinuses, even at 20 degrees below zero, the air is warming to + 25


Southern Variant of nasal Aerodynamics (SVA)

When the main air flow comes through the reserve nasal breathing way, the inferior nasal passage is so cool, with temperatures below zero, that the cold air enters in the nasopharynx, the season ACUTE RESPIRATORY DISEASE (ARD) programming and often leads to the SNORING during of the Night Sleeping




Relationship between two parallel respiratory structures in the nose

The main cause of the night snoring is violations of the nasal aerodynamics

The functionality of the small ostiums of the nasal sinuses

Critical comparison of opposite opinions about the function of the nasal sinuses using Occam's Razor

The real significance of the limen nasi











Individual defence against infection by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome - SARS



This textbook «NASAL AERODYNAMICS and RHINOSINUSITISES» is recommended by Educational-methodical Association on Medical and Pharmaceutical derivation of universities in Russia as the Manual textbook for experts in ENT illnesses professional skillss improvement as a good application and in polyclinical conditions (outpatience practice).

In the given textbook, with the help of the author's technique was the first to research airflows in nasal passages, that has allowed to conduct the deep pathophysiological analysis of features nasal aerodynamics, which plays a leading role in the development of seasonal ACUTE RESPIRATORY DISEASE (ARD), with stagnant sinusitises, by the way RHINOSINUSITISES (RS).

The proposed rapid method of determining violations of a nasal aerodynamics considerably accelerates their diagnostics, facilitates the selection of pathogenetic therapy and helps develop pathogenesis-based preventive care (prophylaxis).

Designed as therapeutic ways of seasonal protection from violations of nasal aerodynamics and surgical ways of renovation of protective properties of aerodynamics of a nose, the application which one allows more successfully to treat and to notify seasonal ARD with RS.

The new techniques are protected by the Russian patents.




" The Seasonal growth of acute respiratory diseases

in the World is catastrophic"



2016 pag. 200-201


Today, around the World continues to increase the incidence of seasonal acute respiratory diseases (ARD) with rhinosinusitis (RS), and the trend has continued in subsequent years, despite the most modern advances in mikrobiologii, farmakologii, medical technology and the most advanced techniques of prevention and treatment that is usually associated with the deterioration of the environment.

However, the seasonality of ARD clearly indicates a seasonal hypothermia, which contributes to the activation, as conditionally pathogenic microorganisms ( and viral infection with the development of Acute Respiratory Viral Infection (ARVI), which everywhere began to consider the leading one among the common seasonal respiratory morbidity occurs in the form of a cold.

As a result, the factor of hypothermia as a cause uninfected respiratory illnesses like ARD are left without the necessary attention, and the desire to treat and to prevent ARD like ARVI, has naturally not been sufficiently effective, which could be one reason for the continuing rise of widespread seasonal respiratory diseases, in the form of a cold with ARD and RS.

A significant proportion of uninfected respiratory disease ARD among common seasonal respiratory morbidity, according to the World Health Organization, evidenced by the fact that even in years of severe epidemics of influenza accounts for only 40% (ARD, the symptoms and treatment of ARD)

This is confirmed by the Minister of health of Russia Veronika Skvortsova at the First national Congress of doctors (5 October 2012): "In the World today is growing global epidemic of uninfected diseases (including respiratory diseases), which... Worldwide and in the Russian Federation lead to catastrophic social and economic consequences".

A clearly negative effect cooling of the respiratory tract on the development of seasonal ARD and the formation of stagnant processes in the sinuses, in the form of RS was confirmed by our studies of the nasal aerodynamics in the patients with "Southern" variant of the nasal aerodynamics (SVA), when a stream of cold air goes past the nasal sinuses.

And if "Northern" variant of the nasal aerodynamics (NVA), when the airflow flows through the nasal sinuses where it is warmed to 25 degrees of heat even at 20 degrees below zero and humidified to 100%, patients successfully resisted a seasonal ORD and not likely to develop colds RS, despite the growing deterioration of the environment.

More than 30 years of experience of successful use of methods of protection against disturbances of the nasal aerodynamics and techniques of surgical reconstruction of the NVA from the SVA enabled us to identify a real opportunity to use the protective properties of aerodynamics of a nose in the fight against the increasing tendency to the development of the seasonal ARD with RS, even with the current deterioration of the environment that most fully represented in the manual:


Ulyanov Y.P., Shadiev H.D., Shadiev T.H. (Moscow, 2013, 200 pages).


The Main Findings:


1. Relevance of nasal aerodinamics violations as a cause of seasonal ACUTE RESPIRATORY DISEASE (ARD) with RHINOSINUSITISES (RS) especially evident due to the rise in the World of a global epidemic of non-communicable respiratory diseases because even in the years expressed influenza epidemics reach at least 60%;

2. Basic protection from of the seasonal ARD with RS is the mucociliary protective mechanism of nasal mucous membrane, which consists of the mucociliary transport on helium film and the mucociliary clearance beneath the helium film, which successfully complement each other ;

3. The protective properties of nasal aerodynamics are playing a leading role among the nasal protective mechanisms that aim to preserve the activity of the mucociliary protective mechanism;

4. The nasal aerodynamics consists of two parallel respiratory structures, as form of the middle and superior nasal passages together with nasal sinuses, which perform the basic respiratory and protective functions of the nose, and inferior nasal passage together with common nasal passage, which perform the reserve respiratory function, that is activated when the bandwidth of the basic respiratory nasal airways is not enough for nasal respiration;

5. When the main air stream passes through the basic respiratory nasal airways (nasal sinuses), the air is warming to plus 25oC even at minus 20oC outside, that successfully protects against seasonal ARD with the RS and therefore, such type of the nasal aerodynamics is regarded as the Northern Variant of the nasal Aerodynamics (NVA), which corresponds normogramme of nasal aerodynamic;

6. A distinctive feature of the NVA is a distance between the anterior end of the inferior turbinate and the nasal septum within 2 mm and therefore an air column in the gleam of such width in fact blocking the inferior nasal passage and directs the main air flow in the middle and superior nasal passages with nasal sinuses, actually performing the role of “physiological jumper”;

7. When the main air stream passes through the reserve respiratory nasal airways, during cold temperature season the inferior nasal passage and nasopharynx on so much cool, that programming seasonal ADR, so such variant of the nasal aerodynamics is more suitable to a warm climate of Southern latitudes, due to the what he regarded as the Southern Version of nasal Aerodynamics (SVA);

8. The distinctive feature of SVA is not only the width of a lumen more than 2 mm between the anterior end of the inferior turbinate and the nasal septum, which leading to seasonal ARD, but also stagnant inflammatory process in the middle and superior nasal passages with the nasal sinuses, forming stagnant RS which is manifested in the form of seasonal ARD with the RS;

9. Overlapping of the reserve respiratory nasal airways programmed with the help of the physiological oedema his cavernous bodies, especially during sleep that is directing the main air stream of the nose passes through the nasal sinuses, in order to achieve maximum protective properties of a nose during sleep from ARD, but when a person is awake the bandwidth of the main nasal respiratory way becomes not enough, physiological oedema is receding and opening the reserve respiratory nasal airways that no longer threatens the ARD development due to sufficient activation the protective properties of the waking organism;

10. Additional overlap of the inferior nasal passage with the help of the limen nasi, anterior synechiae, spikes and curvatures of the nasal septum, promote the diversion of the main nasal air flow in the middle and superior nasal passages with nasal sinuses which activates the protective properties of the nasal aerodynamics;

11. Exceptionally only small ostiums of the nasal cellular system and nasal sinuses, working like a spray mechanism of the H.L.Bergson (1859–1941), provide their extremely active ventilation;

12. The protective properties of the nasal aerodynamics is also evident during expiration when warm and moist air stream helps to restore the nasal mucous membrane injured during inspiration, especially for the SVA ;

13. The unilateral SVA is the most aggressive, because it leads to a double overload of the inferior nasal passage, which working for both halves of the nose, that is typical for a deviated septum, so during septoplasty the NVA reconstruction from the SVA is needed;

14. Pathogenetic therapy of seasonal ARD with the RS in SVA, should be directed as at the treatment of acute post-traumatic inflammation of the reserve nasal respiratory airways, as well at the treatment of stagnant chronic inflammation in the middle and superior nasal passages with nasal sinuses;

15. Methods of therapeutic protection from violations of the SVA as well as surgical reconstruction of the NVA from of the SVA should be recognized as pathogenetic grounded prophylaxis of the seasonal ARD with the RS;

16. Since the main cause of the night snoring is blocking of the reserve respiratory nasal airway at SVA because physiological edema cavernous bodies, protective rhinedema of the inferior nasal passage and oedema of the chronic congestive RS, which leads to the mouth breathing, pathogenetic treatments snoring during sleep should be recognized as forced airing nasal sinuses or surgical reconstruction the NVA from the SVA.



Ulyanov Y.P., Sadyev H.D., Sadyev T.H.


Otorhinolaryngology for professional development of practicing medical specialists in diseases of the ear, nose and throat  

Moscow - 2013
Shadyev H.D. - Head of the Department, MD,PhD,Doctor of Medicine, Professor; Ulyanov YP - MD,PhD, Doctor of Medicine, Professor; Shadyev T.H. MD,PhD.  


The urgency of the problem - 5
The functional orientation on the topographic Anatomy of the nose - 10
Structural and functional characteristics of two parallel respiratory structures of the nose - 18
Relationship between two parallel respiratory structures in the nose - 21
The nasal threshold or the limen nasi - 25
Variantions of an additional overlap of the reserve respiratory path of a nose - 31
Features of the protective properties of the nasal aerodynamics - 33
A critical comparison of two opposite judgments using Razors Okamma - 45
Additional protective mechanisms of the nose - 48
Features of the epithelium of the nasal mucosa - 52
Mukotiliarnyi transport - 56
Nasal mucus secretion - 61
Mukotiliarnyi klirens - 64
History of the study of the nasal aerodynamics - 73
Our device for the study of the nasal aerodynamics - 74
Methodology of the study of the nasal aerodynamics - 75
Air flow distribution for nasal passages during inspiration - 76
Clinical manifestations of the nasal aerodynamics variants - 81
Air flow distribution on nasal passages at exhale - 84
Unilateral southern variant of the nasal aerodynamics - 90
Normogramma of the nasal aerodynamic - 93
Physiological jumper in the nasal valve - 96
Variations of physiological jumpers - 98
Rapid method for the determination of the nasal aerodynamic options - 102
Functional assay - 107
Inflammatory response in the inferior nasal passageway to the SVA - 108
Inflammatory process in the superior nasal passages and nasal sinuses to the SVA - 114
Features of edemas in nasal mucous membrane to the SVA - 118
Forced ventilation of the superior nasal passages with nasal sinuses - 122
Pathogenetic substantiation of conservative therapy for the SVA - 124
Pathogenetic prophylaxis of seasonal ARD to SVA - 128
Pathophysiology of itch-purulent inflammation in the nose - 130
Surgical reconstruction of the NVA - 134
Reconstruction of the NVA by inferior turbinate - 136
Reconstruction of the NVA with the thorn of the nasal septum - 137
Reconstruction of the NVA using the synechiae - 139
Reconstruction of the NVA by using a mucosal plastic flap - 140
Reconstruction of the NVA in the highest position of the inferior turbinate - 146
Reconstruction of the limen nasi - 146
Reverse type of the nasal aerodynamics - 148
Septoplasty under control of the nasal aerodynamics - 153
Method of the partial septoplastiki - 158
Method of conservative treatment of the vasomotor rhinitis - 161
Treatment of vasomotor rhinitis with reconstruction of the NVA - 164
Treatment of the sinusitis with polyps - 166
Pathophysiology of snoring and its pathogenetic treatment - 168
Broncho-pulmonary dependence from of the nasal aerodynamics violations - 177
The Main Findings - 186
List of essential literature - 189
Author's patents - 199


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